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Our Team

With my father’s brain and with me handling and being the caretaker of UWS Integrated Logistics, I am committed to creating an inclusive and diverse workplace. Diversity of thought, background, and experiences leads to more robust decision-making and fosters innovation. We must continue to promote diversity and inclusion in every aspect of our organization, from hiring and promotions to the way we conduct business.

In conclusion, being the boss of this company is an honour and a privilege. It’s a role I take very seriously, and I am dedicated to leading with integrity, fostering innovation, and championing the well-being of our employees and the sustainability of our business. Together, as a united team, we will navigate the challenges ahead, seize opportunities, and continue to grow and prosper.

Mr. Mihir Dalvi
Managing Director
UWS Integrated Logistics

Our Core Team

Geeta Samanth

General manager

Omprakash Singh

Imports Manager


Exports senior | CSD customer service manager

Vinod Tawde

Sales Manager